The Piccolo Xpress menu of chemistry tests is the broadest of any point-of-care analyzer, with 31 chemistry tests across 16 complete panels, including the market’s only CLIA waived comprehensive metabolic panel.
The Piccolo Xpress menu of chemistry tests is the broadest of any point-of-care analyzer, with 31 chemistry tests across 16 complete panels, including the market’s only CLIA waived comprehensive metabolic panel.
No other point-of care analyzer can compare to the Piccolo’s menu of 26 CLIA waived tests and 11 panels. Everything from lipids and liver function to renal and metabolic tests can be performed on the Piccolo under a simple CLIA waived license.
The Piccolo reagent discs contain a sophisticated onboard quality control system which continually monitors the disc function to ensure reaction stability and optimal disc performance. iQC is the engine that drives the Piccolo’s accuracy and precision.
In countless central-lab correlation studies, the accuracy, precision and reproducibility of the Piccolo Xpress Chemistry Analyzer has been proven and approved by the most respected hospitals and commercial laboratories in the world.
No. The analyzer has a built-in sensor to determine if the disc has expired. If the disc is beyond the expiration date, the analyzer will cancel the run and display a Code 13 error message.
The shelf life of a reagent disc ranges from 9-18 months depending on the type of disc (see package for expiration date). Abaxis® recommends that the discs be stored refrigerated at 2-8° C (36-46° F) and used directly from the refrigerator. Reagent discs stored above 8° C will degrade faster throughout their shelf life.
Abaxis recommends continual refrigeration of the reagent discs in their sealed pouches. However, the unopened pouches can be at room temperature for a few hours without degradation, and they can be re-refrigerated. Once the pouch is opened… the discs must be used immediately (within 20 minutes).
No. We recommend that discs be used directly from the refrigerator for optimal performance.
No. The discs are single-use. One patient, one disc. They are considered a bio-hazard and should be disposed of in proper containers.
No, discs MUST NOT be frozen. Reagent discs MUST be refrigerated at 2-8° C (36-46° F).
For access to downloadable Brochures, Package Inserts, Material Safety Datasheets, Technical White Papers and other resources, please see the Medical Reference Center