Discover the original innovator in point-of-care blood chemistry.

The Piccolo Xpress® delivers on-site, real-time bloodwork diagnostics for care providers and their patients. Driven by the objective of a biochemical analyzer for use in space, the Piccolo® technology was brought to market in 1995.

Known by leading medical institutions. Renowned by the world at large.

Many of the world’s leading healthcare institutions are enjoying on-site diagnostic results courtesy of the Piccolo Xpress®. And while it’s trusted in VIP medical suites, it’s purpose-built to support the needs of everyone.

For providers.
For practices.
For patients.
For the good of all.

17 Complete Chemistry Panels

31 Tests

11 CLIA Waived

The ability to deliver efficient care isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.

With the Piccolo Xpress®, doctors can diagnose and plan treatment in one visit, from nearly any point-of-care setting.

Primary care to urgent care, your specialty is our specialty.